Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


hay my name ernestina apitule fortune, apitule clan is one of the descendants of my father. apitule name even in Ambon made a path, and for those of you who do not know what the meaning of apitule. apitule means "resistant or immune to fire", but it's just a name to indicate that we and our clan is a strong man of all odds. it is a small part of Ambon tribal culture.
because there are so many cultural ambon I will tell the community culture dance cakalele example.

dance history cakalele

Cakalele Maluku is a traditional war dance used to welcome guests or the customary celebration. Typically, this dance performed by 30 men and women. This dance is performed in pairs with musical accompaniment drum, flute, bia (a type of wind instrument).
The male dancer usually wears a machete and Salawaku (shield) while the female dancers using Lenso (handkerchief). Male dancers dressed in costumes dominated the red and yellow colors, and wearing a head covering aluminum insert with a white feather. Costume red pants on the male dancers symbolize heroism, courage, and patriotism of the people of Maluku. Sword or machete in his right hand symbolizes dignity dancer Moluccan population should be kept to death, while the shield and loud shouts of the dancers symbolize the protest movement against the system of government which is not considered in favor of the people. Another source states that this dance is a tribute to the ancestor of the Moluccas which is sailor. Prior to sea to hijack a plane, their ancestors having a party with eating, drinking, and dancing. When dance Cakalele displayed, sometimes ancestral spirits can enter the ghost dancers and presence can be felt by the natives.

 but unfortunately although the dance is quite interesting and challenging but is less competitive dance dance extreme of the archipelago such as whistle and dance offerings candidate of charcoal from bali. cakalele that dance is not compete and want to defend it from extinction this dance as well as introducing this dance all over the world. I also had a suggestion that culture can cakalele ambon particularly famous dance or simply want to inform the world community has ambon cakalele dance, and how it is to work with the Indonesian Embassy held a festival in every Indonesian embassy in the world. The festival theme of national culture and its host culture featuring dance cakalele Ambon, Ambon and musical instruments typical tourist destination in Ambon. The festival will also serve also publish various tourism in Indonesia is not only Bali and Yogyakarta, but also there is a gorgeous island and a variety of different cultures other than the culture of the archipelago island of Ambon.

but all the way it will be in vain if the national and local governments do not participate in the program. need consistency in the festival program de Ambon in Indonesia, it might seem difficult, but I'm sure with his running consistently in the course of time as well as the program, will be able to compete with the Ambon islands are world-renowned for its culture than nature has not ambon not compete. if successful in the program and the domestic and foreign tourists flock to the feasibility ambon ambon not only materially but also benefit society as well as Indonesia. Ambon was no longer known as the Ambon conflict areas but the world would be a paradise. These are ideas and my ideals.

so much from me. thank you

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